Stalking Their Stuff

ChainStation Log: Epoch 49546

Fellow Ethereans, your creativity is astounding; it's been mere days since the Boutique opened here at the ChainStation, and already hundreds of unique products are stocking the shelves! Needless to say, the MoonCats are delighted! Ship operations have been complicated a bit, as we dodge model rockets & mini lambos, and wade through piles of toys & treasures, but the pain in our feet from stepping on doge keychains is no match for the warmth in our hearts. We even had to tweak the inertial dampeners, as the resonance of thousands of purring MoonCats threatened the stations very structure! Not to mention the airlocks, which have been cycling well past their duty rating, as MoonCats venture out to test their shiny new helmets!

Unfortunately, MoonCats are never quite satisfied. Even when chowing down on their favorite snack. It isn't enough to own all these great accessories, they want to show them off. We followed the meows to find dozens rubbing against an abandoned prototype deep in the bowels of the ship. We told them it wasn't ready, and it might not even work, but they stood firm. So we carted it up to the promenade deck and plugged it in. To everyones delight, it powered right up. Rough edges and all, the MoonCat​PhotoBooth is up and running!

Posted By: ponderware
Tags: accessoriesmooncat