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Active excursions:

ChainStation expansion

ChainStation Alpha is now a bustling place, with both MoonCats and Etherians making frequent visits as they explore the blockchain multiverse. Bringing together the skills, tools and experiences they have built and gathered is a continuing priority to make the ChainStation experience the best it can be.

The technology stack for creating web applications to interact with blockchain projects has evolved over the last several years, and many of the tools built for the MoonCatRescue ecosystem were experiments into many different flavors of those tools. The ChainStation site aims to harmonize all of them into a single application area, to make it easy for newcomers to see all that there is to offer, and only need to sign into one application to interact with their assets within the MoonCatRescue ecosystem.

The ChainStation site is being built as an open-source project, with source code available on GitLab . The choices of technologies and methodologies being used to build that application are codified as Architecture Decision Records (ADRs) which serve as a development guide for those looking to contribute.

If you do know how to write code, try picking up an issue tagged as Good First Issue for the project. If you don't know how to write code, you can make your voice heard and choose which ideas become prioritized next by using the "thumbs-up" buttons on any of the issues for the project to increase their priority.

Short-range scanners:

These planetary bodies are rather close to our current location and have been initially scanned for feasibility. These locations are more clearly-defined, and an excursion could be sent to any of these relatively rapidly:

Nickname: "Boutique Bonanza"

MoonCats have the ability to don accessories, to customize their and their owners' unique styles how they present to others on the blockchain. Since the creation of the MoonCat accessories feature, The Boutique has existed to be a focal point for browsing and purchasing accessories.

As the number of MoonCat Accessories have grown, and the number of MoonCat Accessory designers looking to make a name for themselves have also grown, the features and tooling for The Boutique is in need of a refresh. The functionality for browsing, purchasing, and modifying worn accessories are moving into the ChainStation application platform. The progress toward this first milestone is being tracked in GitLab ; feel free to track progress or contribute there!

Long-range scanners:

The outcome of excursions to these locations are more nebulous, we can't say for sure how safe it is in these more distant regions of space, or how long it would take to explore. As we get closer, we should be able to pick up more data with our sensors and gain a clearer picture of what possibilities there might be.

These plans are very much still in the designing/ideating nebulous phase. They're ideas we've had as a planning team for where we'd like to see the project go eventually, and ideas from the community that have an interesing spark to them. As resources (financial, skills, and volunteer time) become available, these will be fleshed-out into complete projects.

Nickname: "The Shipyard"

The lootprints (for MoonCats) project has been from the beginning plans ('blueprints') for a spacecraft that would grow and evolve alongside the MoonCats as they grew and explored the multi-dimensional blockchain universe, and the Deep Space scientists have made a breakthrough that can bring these plans from concept into crafts! The next evolution of the lootprint project will allow lootprint holders to turn in their plans, and receive a Ship Beacon, capable of summoning their multi-faceted spacecraft to them, and embark on journeys across the multiverse. As each ship seems to resonate with the essence of its bearer, the individual appearance of each craft may change over time, taking on a more direct representation of their pilot over time...

Nickname: "GravBall"

MoonCats are proving to be a rather playful bunch, and want to keep active. This excursion is leading to the launch of a game that can be played by MoonCats while Ethereans watch and cheer them on. Plans for this game are to have it be an "idle"-style game, where human owners have some influence over the game's outcome in the setup and entering of their MoonCats into the game, but then they take on the role of "coach" watching the game, while the MoonCats themselves are the ones to play the game (or get distracted by something shiny).